Japan Saimoe 2011

1 07 2011

It’s that time of year, and I have been conned into covering saimoe again. Sigh.

I’m actually too lazy to make a preview for it so I’ll just post a translated list of eligible series and nominated characters with their respective seiyuu. Sorting is somewhat random, I went through the list of returning series in Japanese alphabetical order, and then the list of new series, both from the saimoe wiki. Just ctrl+F what you want, I guess. Then again, if you can think of a female character it’s probably on there anyway.

Additional nominations should finish today, and preliminaries begin July 10th. Main tournament begins August 5th, and we’ll be sucked into this until the end of October.

Shana for saimoe ’11. She’ll win one of these days, right? …Right?



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